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Johnny Depp Slams Amber Heard's Abuse Allegations As A 'Flat Out Lie' In Explosive Newly-Released Text Messages

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's explosive text messages have been unearthed!

Johnny Depp is not going to stand for the abuse allegations against him, as newly-unearthed text messages suggest.

The Pirates of the Caribbean star and embattled ex-wife Amber Heard remain seemingly forever locked in a war of words and accusations, but these texts — first uncovered by The Blast — lay bare some major insight into the drama. And to hear the actor himself tell it via text, he is NOT keen on admitting to the abuse allegations that he deems a “flat out lie.”

Related: This Isn’t The First Time Johnny’s Ugly Texts Have Been Unearthed…

The texts themselves come from the period after Depp and Heard split up back in May 2016. Both of them sent the messages in question to talent agent Christian Carino (yes, that’s Lady GaGa‘s former longtime partner and one-time fiancé), a mutual friend who served as something of a mediator between the embattled exes during their tumultuous split.

At one point, Carino set up a secret meeting for the pair in San Francisco, so they could sit down and work things out face-to-face; after the meeting, both Amber and Johnny then went back to corresponding with the agent about their mutual encounter, and possible next steps.

Early in his exchange with the talent agent, the now 56-year-old Depp was conciliatory to his ex, writing (below):

“It feels like a dream and a nightmare all in one, it was difficult to not die when our eyes met. i have no choice but to dive into those pools of green. they represent every millisecond of what we had. i miss her. i love her. i always will. as will she. there were some difficult things to swallow…but, one either swallows or chokes.”

But soon thereafter, Depp’s emotions quickly turned, and he shared with Carino his frustrations about the whole ordeal in San Francisco:

“She’s poking at me to try and make me miserable…Textbook Narcissistic patterns. Why did she come to San Francisco??? No more games!!! She just wants her name cleared…She ain’t being understanding, she’s being stubborn, or she don’t wanna talk to me…F**k This!!!”

To hear Depp tell it in the texts, he makes it sound as though he was open to “a fresh start” with Heard, even though he seems to have known how unlikely that would be:

“I don’t know what to say… Apparently, she wants to go ahead with the divorce and then attempt a reconciliation… I need to think, man… What I wanted was a fresh start with my wife. which, i thought was what she wanted. she should do what she really feels… if her priorities are not us, then i will proceed and do what i have to do. i dangle no more.”

Unrelated, but we can totally picture Johnny saying “I dangle no more.”

Moving on…

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in 2016
Even though the pair eventually settled their divorce, the legal battle rages on into 2020… when will it end? / (c) Nicky Nelson/WENN

From her perspective, the Aquaman star also wasn’t shy about sharing her thoughts with Carino — who apparently passed them along to Depp.

Heard noted how she’d “been a complete mess” since the attempted San Francisco reconciliation, writing:

“I’m afraid I am setting myself up to fall back in again. It was so hard to leave him. I’ve been through too much. And I see no future in this. And every time I see him it’s like my chest is ripped open and every piece of my soul is ground down to a pulp. Since seeing him in San Francisco, I have been a complete mess. I literally have been sobbing all day and night.”


Related: Amber Heard Seemingly Taunts Johnny Depp On Newly-Unearthed Tape

Quickly, Depp’s messages turned nastier as allegations leaked that the actor had violated his restraining order to attend the their meet-up in San Francisco. To Depp, that reeked of a set-up, and he didn’t hesitate to blast Heard’s lawyers in a series of texts to Carino:

“Man … Her attorneys are telling mine, that I am calling and harassing her by phone!!! Is that them, or is that her???! First, I’m apparently stalling the divorce…And now harassing her??? She’d better put a couple of ball gags in her f**kin’ lawyers mouths and tighten them up.. She doesn’t want to work anything out…Her lawyers want to settle because they would die 1,000 deaths in court…So she wants me all softened up to settle up nice…That’s what this looks like!!!”

And he continued from there, even going so far as to compare his estranged wife to Anna Nicole Smith in another tirade sent his agent’s way:

“Also, apparently, she filed papers to say that i have broken the restraining order by texting, speaking to her, seeing her in San Francisco…with all the bulls**t i’m going through with this??? send me to county for breaking the restraining order…some of which, as you can guess, that she was more than complicit with!!! i couldn’t give a f**kin’ fat rat’s ass!! as she wants her name cleared, which can no longer happen in terms of the public’s opinion and more than likely the people who run her profession, a product of choice by people…in the public’s eye, she’s no f**kin’ better than anna nicole smith!!! her trip to San Fran was a ruse to clear her reputation…and i fell for it, yet another lie…tell me im wrong!!! she’s never brought up the notion of clearing my name as a f**king wife-beating c**t?? she don’t want me f**kin’ mad…i’ve tried d to get her away from her monkey ass lawyers!!! sorry for the rant, but…i am flabbergasted by the truth she gives me and the truth she actually applies when it’s time to save herself from being caught in a legal fib…yeah, man…she really loved me the other day.”

So. Much. Anger…

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard during happier times together, at TIFF way back in September 2015. / (c) WENN

For Carino’s part, he attempted at one point to help the ex-couple create a joint public statement to address all the drama and settle the divorce amicably. But things didn’t go as planned there, either, as stories started to leak out in the press about the contentious breakup.

When Heard accused Depp of leaking the stories himself, he flipped out in another flurry of texts allegedly sent to Carino later that month:

“She filed the papers from the so-called ‘deposition’ …Perhaps she was asked and she said what she experienced as far as the deposition!!! However, her attorneys have been in an exchange program with the f**king NYC Post [sic] to drop their little tidbits of crippled truth every single goddam day!! Why is it wrong that my attorney may just be following the other lawyers example, if she actually spoke to anyone!!! we can settle this, then let’s DO IT!!! Let’s not forget who has been accused and portrayed, daily and continually as an uncontrollably violent savage abuser of women. She told the f**king press that I’m drunk, a drug addict and cocaine head!!! How’s about she starts thinking about that, because this statement makes me out as if I admitted to her false claims. This statement cannot be released!!!”

And he wasn’t exactly kind to Heard’s “s**t eating” legal team, either, writing in a follow-up text:

“I want this done with as much as her!!! What can I do??? Admit something that never happened!??? And just swallow a f**king ‘flat out lie’ to save her ass??? Again, I’ve said nothing!!! She, Horseface Jodie and these s**t eating c**t breathed ‘lawyers’ have a constant fee to far more than just exclusively to the NY POST…They’ve fed People, Us Weekly, and the list goes on…!!! She needs to be reasonable…I ain’t carrying an underserved wife beater charge on my back for her!”


Related: Johnny Accuses Amber Of ‘Victim-Blaming’! Wait, What?!

Eventually, Depp calmed down enough to ask Carino outright if Heard wanted a “proper solution” to the whole thing — AKA, a settlement before court. The embattled actor shared a (relatively) more civil final text requesting the agent be the go-between in setting something up:

”Please ask her to focus on the solution RIGHT NOW…Not the problem or the past!!! My brother…I’ll be honest with you…I am actually fearful for her…As the clock ticks, if there is not a proper solution agreed to by the end of tonight, then we have arrived at the weekend, meaning it’s Court beginning next week…It’ll be a s**t storm!!! There is no way to fathom the gravity of what she (and I) will suffer. An agony that we will carry on our backs forever…These lawyers are just sucking us dry!!! Speak to her. If she wants to attempt a reasonable and sustainable civility with me…If not…Just let me know, man.”

And of course, as we all know, in the end it actually worked — the ex-couple was able to settle their divorce for $7 million, with a portion of the money being donated to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the ACLU.

Still, though, they have multiple legal battles raging on, with defamation cases ongoing in both the United Kingdom and the state of Virginia. In other words, these newly-uncovered texts figure to be far from the final thing we’ll report in this ongoing saga…

Reactions, Perezcious readers? Quite a lot to take in, isn’t it? We don’t even know where to begin on this one. Sound OFF with your own comments and reactions to everything here down in the comment section (below)…

[Image via WENN/Avalon]

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Mar 09, 2020 09:47am PDT