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Juror Tries To Facebook FRIEND The Defendant In Court Case!


Are you kidding? What would make ANYONE think this is remotely appropriate?

22-year-old pizza delivery man Jonathan Hudson was apparently serving jury duty in a car crash case in Texas, when he decided it would be a good idea to friend the DEFENDANT, Courtney Downing on FACEBOOK!

When she told her lawyer, Hudson was kicked off the jury and charged with contempt of court. He then pled guilty, and was sentenced to two days of community service.

Of course, this didn’t stop the genius from once again messaging Downey over the social-networking site:

“I’m pretty upset over this├óΓé¼┬ªI guess you know what it feels like to be prosecuted too. Good luck with everything.”

All right – WHAT?!

A) What would this guy have to gain from friending the person for whom he was serving JURY DUTY?! Is he stoopid?! You can’t be friends when you’re making a decision that will affect the court’s ruling!

B) You contact her again? REALLY? As if she’s at fault for his dumbass decision!

Absolutely RIDICULOUS!

You have no one to blame but yourself, buddy. Just be grateful the judge didn’t come down any harder on you!

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Sep 02, 2011 16:15pm PDT