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Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting Continues To Combat Backlash From Her Anti-Feminist Statement! Read Her Latest Defense HERE!

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When someone like Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting claims she’s not a feminist, people are going to talk about it for a LONG time!
So even though it’s been weeks since the Big Bang Theory actress’ telling Redbook interview was released, she continues to have to explain and defend her words.
Following Kaley’s Instagram post claiming her surprising statement was taken out of context, she recently spelled out what happened even further.
[ Related: Kaley Clarifies Her Redbook Interview On Instagram! ]
She said:

“It was a three-and-a-half-hour conversation, and we had two sentences taken out. That was what I was saying before this whole Redbook debacle. If I could say all the words I wanted to, it was really meaning that as independent as I am ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ and I’ve made a career on my own without a man ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ I love being a wife. I love cooking for my husband. I feel like I have it all. I feel very lucky that I’m able to do that. I enjoy both aspects.”

That makes sense!
But even so, her ability to do both is thanks to feminist movements of the past.
And she’s still sticking to her assertion that she’s not a feminist!
[ Related: Kaley Is NOT A Feminist & Proud Of It! ]
How do YOU feel about Mrs. Cuoco-Sweeting’s thoughts on feminism???
Sound off in the comments (below)!

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Jan 16, 2015 11:13am PDT

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