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Katherine Jackson Wants Relatives To Move Out!

katherine jackson wants relatives out of her house

Looks like time’s up for several of Katherine Jackson’s relatives at Michael’s her mansion.

Five Jackson relatives will be moving out by the end year, but it looks like if she had it her way, Katherine would have them out sooner.

Here’s what a source had to say about it:

“Katherine has been trying to get Alejandra Jackson, her former daughter-in-law, and Alejandra’s four children to move out.”

More from the source:

“Alejandra was supposed to move out this summer, but it’s taking longer than expected. However, Alejandra and her children will be moving out of the Encino estate by the end of the year.”

And more:

“It doesn’t look like Katherine will need to take legal action against Alejandra. With Katherine taking care of Michael’s kids full-time, there is just to much chaos for her to handle. Katherine wants to devote her full attention to Michael’s children.”

“Alejandra won’t be living on the streets, she will be taken care of. Katherine is very generous, probably to a fault.”

Sounds like it might be PRETTY tense in that house until the new year. We hope it’s a smooth transition for everyone involved.

Do U think Katherine Jackson has the right to tell Alejandra and her family to leave her home?

[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 09, 2010 17:20pm PDT

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