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Fashion Police By Day, Superhero By Night! Kelly Osbourne Suits Up As Bleeper Babe To Put An End To Bullying!

Kelly Osbourne reveals her super identity as Bleeper Babe!
Look! Up in the sky!
It’s a bird!
It’s a plane!
No! It’s Bleeper Babe!!!
For those of you who are already wondering, no, this is not a new Marvel superhero movie coming out! However, Kelly Osbourne did decide to team up with to try and put an end to bullying once and for all!
[ Related: Fashion Police Will Continue Without Joan Rivers ]
So what exactly is Bleeper Babe’s superpower? Well, she can drown out hateful words or insults with the help of her extremely loud bleeping!! But if you don’t have superpowers like Kelly, that doesn’t mean you can’t help prevent bullying!
All you have to do is speak up and DO SOMETHING if you see someone being bullied! It’s that easy, AND you don’t even need a cape!
Ch-ch-check out her super message (below), and learn more about how you can help Bleeper Babe HERE!

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Oct 01, 2014 21:31pm PDT

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