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Kendall Jenner Explains How She Learned To Model & Nail Her Runway Walk

Kendall Jenner recalls early modeling days, gives advice.
Kendall Jenner
doesn’t need no freakin’ modeling classes!
In a new post on her app ($2.99/month), the supermodel looks back on the early days of her career and explains how she learned the tricks of the trade.
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It was mostly just time and practice!
She said:

“I never took any modeling classes. It was definitely something I just had to learn over time. Honestly, I think the only way you really learn how to model is just experiencing it and being involved in it, doing different shoots. I never really had a desire to take classes, either├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥it was just 100 percent experience.”

Are modeling classes still a thing?
The 20-year-old acknowledges her past mistakes as well:

“When I first started out, I was very stiff and trying really hard to do a specific walk. Then, once I got more comfortable with myself and my career, I kind of mixed the new with what I had learned before to create a happy medium. I love my walk now├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥I’ve found one that I think fits the style of today.”

And here’s her advice for any models-to-be:

“If I were to give advice to aspiring models, it would be to be yourself. It’s all about finding your own thing, when you get into this crazy world.”

Be you, practice makes perfect, etc. Solid advice.
P.S. Watch a full compilation of Kendall’s runway walks right HERE.

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Jan 25, 2016 13:17pm PDT

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