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Kendra Wilkinson Goes OFF On Dani Mathers' 'Stupid F*cking Choice' To Body Shame A Nude Woman!

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When Kendra Wilkinson wants to give her opinion, she does NOT hold back — and when it came time for her to talk about the Dani Mathers controversy, she let loose, defending Playboy while ripping apart the Playmate!
Related: Dani Lost Her Job Over Body Shaming Nude Pics!
As you’ll remember, Mathers was caught up in controversy after she took a naked pic of an unsuspecting woman at an El Lay gym last week and posted it to Snapchat for the world to see.
It’s been such a universally-panned act; Mathers’ actions are so sketchy in fact, that police are actually investigating to determine whether or not she should be charged with a crime!!
And although Wilkinson and Mathers may have Playboy in common, the Kendra On Top star was NOT feeling her colleague on this one. Speaking to TMZ, Wilkinson said:

“That’s a huge mistake. No one should be taking pictures of anybody who they don’t know. And if it’s in the privacy of a gym ├óΓé¼┬ª That’s why I don’t change at a gym, because I get scared of that.”

True, true!
Kendra also took offense to the idea suggesting that Dani’s actions are representative of the entire Playboy brand (below):

“What does one person have to do with all Playmates? She stands alone. No one else does that stuff. That’s what’s wrong with the world ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ we’re blaming a whole group of people when it’s just one person making a stupid f*cking choice.”

Will the rest of the Playmates follow her in condemning Mathers?? We’ll have to see…
Do YOU think she’s getting what she deserves?
[Image via FayesVision/WENN/Dani Mathers/Instagram.]

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Jul 19, 2016 17:00pm PDT