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Kim Kardashian Criticizes ICE Raid On Social Media -- Gurl, Don't You Have Trump's Number??

Kim Kardashian Instagram Story Ice Raids Children Donald Trump

When we get annoyed about Kanye West saying he loves Donald Trump but admits to not knowing anything about his policies… this is what we’re talking about.

Kim Kardashian West and her hubby have been surprisingly good friends of the Trump administration.

It certainly seems Kanye is being willfully ignorant while getting sincerely entranced by Trump’s relatable, everyman golden toilet narcissism.

We have to wonder if Kim has just been using her celebrity influence on her fellow reality TV star, who has been vocally bitter about his lack of celeb support. (We mean… he’s got Kid Rock and Scott Baio, not exactly A-listers.)

Related: Kid Rock Grossly Insults Taylor Swift And Twitter COMES FOR HIM

So far Kim, in her prison reform efforts, has gotten more positive action out of the president than anyone else. So it’s working.

Based on what the KUWTK star posted on her Instagram on Friday, we have to wonder… why isn’t she calling up Trump and his son-in-lackey Jared Kushner about this?

Does she not feel strongly enough about this to set up appointments at the White House?

Kim Kardashian Instagram Story Ice Raids Children Donald Trump
(c) Donald Trump/Twitter

Kim’s latest political statement– No, screw that. This is not political. This is just a matter of having empathy for families being destroyed; this is an emotional reaction to the inhumanity on display right now.

What Kim posted about was the latest ICE raids, in which they arrested 680 undocumented immigrants while they were at work in a Mississippi warehouse — without even a thought about what would happen to their children.

ICE didn’t notify schools, where many children were left not knowing their children had been taken. They didn’t set up child services to make sure the children were safe. They just snatched away the parents and left the children.

This is just inhumane. And it’s cruel on purpose.

When asked about the lack of planning for the children involved, an ICE official said:

“We are a law enforcement agency, not a social services agency.”

That is total B.S.

When police arrest people with children, they make sure those kids are cared for. It’s required by law. If they leave the children in a more dangerous situation than they found them, they can be found liable for gross negligence.

And yet ICE is doing just that. With Trump’s explicit approval.

As a mother of three, Kim was deeply affected by the story of these children. She posted:

“This really breaks my heart. I think about my own babies and how they would feel if their parents never came back to pick them up from school. The anxiety and fear these kids must feel really breaks my soul.”

Along with several videos of a little girl speaking about her father being taken away:

Kim Kardashian Instagram ICE Children
(c) Kim Kardashian/Instagram

She also reposted an even stronger worded expression from Zoe Winkler Reinis, daughter of Henry Winkler and supporter of charity This Is About Humanity, which was set up last year to raise awareness and funds for families who have been separated by the administration’s draconian immigration policy.

Zoe wrote:

“No matter your political beliefs if you are a parent imagine your children on their first day of school and no one coming to pick you up.

These people were at work. Trying to provide a better life for their children. For your heart to not be broken at the lack of humanity is terrifying. The damage we as a country have done to these families is truly reprehensible.

And lastly if you are not outraged and screaming from the rooftops unfollow me.”

Kim put this on her personal IG account.

If this is how she truly feels, she’s about to get some unfollows — perhaps including that of the POTUS.

You can see more about the raids, and the little girl who broke Kim’s heart (below).

[Image via Joseph Marzullo/WENN/CBS 12/YouTube.]

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Aug 09, 2019 15:48pm PDT