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Kristin Davis Wants To Quit Acting To Save Elephants??

Kristin Davis wants to quit acting to save elephants?? Really????
Kristin Davis is all about animals!!
The lovely, talented Sex and the City actress can’t stop helping animals.
She’s actually considered quitting acting to move to Kenya to help out elephants!!
She said:

“Elephants are under extreme attack. I really want to quit acting and move [to Kenya] but they’re telling me that I can’t because they need me to be famous so people will listen to me.”

She is so dedicated to helping elephants she’d be willing to quit acting??
That’s so ahmayzing! She’s so serious!
Heck, she even raised funds to help get an anti-poaching helicopter.
Way to go, Kristin, keep up the good work!
[Image via WENN.]

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Dec 04, 2013 15:58pm PDT

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