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Kurt Cobain's Hair Sells For THOUSANDS At Auction!

Kurt Cobain Hair Auction

OK, there are stans and there are stans. Which one are you? The type who would spend thousands of bucks on just a few hairs from your favorite singer?

Well, that’s what someone did this week. Iconic Auctions sold a collection of six strands of Kurt Cobain‘s hair, and the whole thing went for an incredible…


That’s over two grand per hair!

The product was described in the auction as “entirely fresh-to-market, and accompanied by an impeccable lineage of provenance including images of Kurt posing with the woman who cut this hair, scissors in hand, and a fantastic shot of the hair actually being cut!”

Related: FBI Reveals Long-Secret Kurt Cobain File! 

The woman who gave the Nirvana frontman a trim was a friend named Tessa Osbourne; it was during the Bleach tour in 1989, before the band got big. She apparently kept the tiny strands (the longest is a mere two and a half inches) in a plastic bag for many years before eventually giving them to Seattle artist Nicole DePolo after his passing. DePolo passed them on to a collector named Jon Reznikoff, who specializes in this sort of thing. No, really, he has the Guinness World Record for biggest collection of “historic hair.”

We know people love Kurt, but we can hardly imagine keeping his hair in a plastic bag for years, let alone paying the price of a Nissan Versa for it. Would YOU do it if you had the money??

[Image via Nirvana/YouTube.]

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May 18, 2021 11:57am PDT