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Lance Armstrong

It's Personal!

Lance Armstrong is just too good for anyone to believe. The seven time Tour de France champion has to unfortunately endure more testing and skepticism than his fellow teammates do.
By Armstrong’s count, he’s already had 24!!!!! drug tests since he started cycling again in August. 24!!!!!!
It’s like they’re testing him every week now. And, the latest test has cancer survivor with a new haircut, though not by choice.
On Tuesday, a French anti-doping inspector showed up unannounced and met up with the cyclist after Armstrong finished training in the south of France.
That’s when the inspector pulled out some scissors and chopped away at Armstrong’s hair, taking six clumps for sampling. Oh, he also had to take blood and urine samples.
But, in good spirits Armstrong told the press that the inspector who “flew down from Paris, he was a French doctor, couldn’t have been nicer. He was a total gentleman. He didn’t make my hair look very good, that’s why I cut it after that, after he butchered it. There were a few good stripes at the back so we just buzzed it down.”
Lance even posted a recent picture of himself with his new, short ‘do on his Twitter photo page. And we got to say, he is looking hot! Even with less hair.
He did add that “A lot of my co-workers and old friends and former teammates are (on) less than 5” tests. Though he says “I’m fully aware that it’s part of the job. I knew that going in. I’m a little surprised by the frequency, but I’m not complaining.”
Either way, Armstrong has nothing to hide so the tests will only serve to continuing proving he is, without a doubt, the top record holder. Legally.
[Image via WENN/FayesVision.]

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Mar 19, 2009 16:45pm PDT

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