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Leonardo DiCaprio Cuts Hand During Django, Stays In Character!

Leonardo DiCaprio is one hell of a method actor!
He takes his roles seriously — so seriously, in fact, he lacerated his hand during a scene (accidentally) while shooting Django Unchained, and stayed in character until he was done!
Blood was everywhere!
Here’s what one witness said:

“Leo had slammed his hand on the table countless times and he moved his hand further and he crushed a crystal cordial glass. Blood was dripping down his hand. He never broke character. He kept going. He was in such a zone. It was very intense. He required stitches.”

And guess what? That’s the take used in the movie — and it unleashed a standing ovation from the cast and the crew:

“Not because he cut himself. Because in that scene he had pages and pages of monologue. His performance was masterful. His level of commitment is extraordinary.”

While we feel bad that he got hurt — this just means we’re about to see one AMAZEBALLS performance. We’re sure he’s right as rain now!
Come oooooon end of December!! Ha!
[Image courtesy Weinstein Co..]

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Dec 03, 2012 18:02pm PDT

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