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Lindsay Lohan Doesn't Get Why Hanging With A Drug Pal Is Bad For Sobriety!


The fact that she thinks this “friend” won’t hurt her sobriety is practically nutty!

Lindsay Lohan is apparently defending her decision to hang with Vikram Chatwal in the wake of her court ordered rehab stint–because she believes it’s a positive step towards her recovery!

Sources close to Lindsay revealed she doesn’t understand why the outing with Vik was such a BFD and detrimental to her sobriety!

Vikram was busted for possession of various drugs in April, and is scheduled for 12 months of in-patient rehab, so he could TOTALLY be shedding his negative influence on the starlet!

Lindsay thinks he’s a-o-k because the millionaire’s been through rehab too, and they can…trade stories? Ha!

Multiple drug specialists have revealed that if Lindsay continues to hang out with people that don’t put sobriety on a pedestal, it’ll be toxic to her ultimate recovery!

One counselor explains:

“Why hang out with someone whose commitment to sobriety isn’t airtight.”

Lindsay’s only been out for 22 days, so she really needs to focus on surrounding herself with positive people!

Get it together, chica!

[Image via Splash News.]

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Aug 22, 2013 11:25am PDT

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