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McDonald's Just Did Something It Hasn't Done In 74 Years & Now You Can See How Your Burgers Are Really Made!

For almost 75 years McDonald’s has been one of the most recognizable names in fast food.
But, just being the No. 1 restaurant in the world doesn’t necessarily bring you brand loyalty.
Do you remember two years ago when the burger chain was accused of using that pink slime in its burgers and chicken nuggets?
Yeah? Well, so does Mickey-D’s, and they are finally doing something to change their public perception.
For the first time in the fast food giant’s lifespan, they let cameras in behind-the-scenes to see what really goes into producing over 99 Billion sandwiches.
[ Photos: The Weirdest McDonald’s Menu Items From Around The World! ]
Good Morning America and MythBustersGrant Imahara recorded the daily practices of McDonald’s Fresno, California, food plant to see if your Big Macs really are 100% beef.
And what they found might actually shock you, because according to the report, everything from the meat to the veggies seems legit.
Don’t believe us? Have a look for yourself!
Ch-ch-check out McDonald’s like you’ve never seen it before (below)!!!

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Oct 14, 2014 18:01pm PDT

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