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Mel Gibson's Dad Brings Even More Crazy!!


Like father, like son!

For as racist, drunk and anti-semitic as Mel Gibson may be, his dad, Hutton Gibson, is worse!!

This psycho denies the Holocaust ever happened, attacks his own Catholic faith and publishes even more crazy on his website. WTF is wrong with these people?!

During the radio show The Political Cesspool on January 9th, Papa Gibson went on a rant about Pope John Paul II, claiming he was a COMMUNIST AGENT for going to visit the Wailing Wall. Listen to the full VOMIT-inducing clip below!

“The whole bunch at the top, if they’re not outright queer, they’re supportive of it. They do nothing about the terrible things that go on among the clergy and the bishops.”

We almost feel sorry for Mel. We don’t, but we almost do.

With a disgusting bigot and piece of trash like that for a father, he was doomed from the start!

Check out the clip below.


[Image via AP Images.]

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Jan 27, 2010 17:15pm PDT

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