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Morrissey In The Hospital Again, This Time With A Brutal Condition!

morrissey hospital again double pneumonia scary health tour concerts
We’re shocked to hear that Morrissey is back in the hospital just a short time after canceling dates because of a throat condition and a bleeding ulcer. We also heard there was a bladder infection involved.
Now, we’re hearing something a little more serious is afoot, and it’s got us worried for the singer, because it’s a potentially life-threatening lung problem: double pneumonia.
He’s being treated in San Fran, and somehow thinks he’ll be able to play in Mexico on March 14th. We say that he probably shouldn’t risk that! Here’s what the memo said:

“Morrissey is presently being treated in San Francisco for ‘double pneumonia’, but remains on course to headline the Vive Latino festival in Mexico City on March 14.”

We really hope he doesn’t overdo it!
Feel better Morrissey!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 11, 2013 13:02pm PDT

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