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J.R. Hilton

My Son Cries When He Thinks He Got A Girl's Present! Ugh!!! | Perez Hilton

You really never know what’s gonna happen with kids! That’s why we love doing these unboxing videos with them!
So many teachable moments here!!
We were getting back into our routine when, unexpectedly, J.R. Hilton starts tearing up and then bawling when we give him what he thinks is a girl’s gift. Watch to find out how this plays out!
We translate in English at the end!
And, after we were done filming we had a talking to with Momma Perez. This reaction has a lot to do with her! SHE is the one who puts garbage in my his ears about girls’ toys vs boys’ toys! This was a damn unisex coloring book!!!! Grrrr!
Watch! Enjoy! SHARE!
And CLICK HERE to check out more of our unboxing videos!

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Jan 07, 2019 12:14pm PDT