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Naya Rivera Is Dating One Of Her Glee Writers!

Is that why Santana is getting so much screen time this season?
Just kidding – her character rocks and this chick is uber-talented! Anyone who suggests even an ounce of shady dealings needs to head for the exit and take their hating outside.
According to eyewitnesses at the party, Naya Rivera has more than moved on from her flings with co-stars Mark Salling and Chord Overstreet and is all about her new beau, Glee writer Matthew Hodgson. The pair were reportedly all over each other at Naya’s birthday bash this weekend. “making out” for everyone to see.
Hmm! Happy birthday, Naya!
The “really cute” couple celebrated hard core at her 25th birthday party at 1OAK nightclub, with the eyewitness adding:

“They hung together all night and really looked like they were having a good time, there’s definitely something more than co-workers or just friends going on.”

Good for them! Normally, we advise against mixing business with pleasure … but the girl is young! She deserves to have a little fun!
Do your thang, honey!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jan 24, 2012 06:45am PDT

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