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New Facebook Comment Editing Feature Causing Annoyance At First

Facebook Changes Commenting System
If you’ve been on Facebook recently, and let’s be honest, you have, you’ll notice a small change if you’ve tried to comment on something.
That change is this: The “comment” button is gone!
We don’t mean the first one, but the one you click to submit the comment! Instead, all you have to do is hit enter!
While this could be seen as an annoyance at first, they’ve done this because they’ve added a very handy comment editing feature. So no longer will you misspell something or immediately regret sounding stupid about something and have to delete the entire thing!
You can just click the X like you were going to delete the comment, but now you have the option to edit or delete completely!
Where’s the annoyance in that, you say? The annoyance comes in the idea of hitting enter to post the comment, because that used to be for performing paragraph breaks. So until people get used to it, you’ll be seeing a lot of accidental postings going on, but at least they can go back in and edit now!
To do a paragraph break, you just have to press Shift + Enter, like in a lot of instant-messaging programs.
We think everyone will get used to it easily, especially for the chance to edit!
How do U feel about this new change??
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 17, 2011 12:10pm PDT

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