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Live & Exclusive!

Nikki Williams Leaves Us Glowing! Watch Her EXCLUSIVE Live Performance HERE!

Girl BEAMS like an effing beacon!
South African native Nikki Williams is a soul stuffed, electro-pop singer/songwriter who has helped pen major jams including Demi Lovato‘s Heart Attack
But now Nikki is owning her OWN beats, and is about to release a debut album, the first single of which is a youthful, killer club jam called Glowing that overflows with heart.
And lucky for us, the music maker stopped by recently and played a stripped down version of Glowing EXCLUSIVELY for readers!
Bathe yourself in Nikki’s warm light (above)!
Ahhh we LOVE how Glowing transitions SO well from a fast paced, clubtastic rager into an acoustic, live ballad!
So many hearts gushing out of our eyeballzzz for this!

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May 03, 2013 17:32pm PDT