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Hillary Clinton

With North Carolina On The Horizon...

Hillary Clinton picked up a major endorsement heading into the May 6th North Carolina primary.
North Carolina governor, Mike Easley, is throwing his support behind Hillary!
Contrasting her with opponent Barack Obama, Easley says, “There’s a lot of ‘yes we can’ and ‘yes we should’ going on. Hillary Clinton is ready to deliver, that’s the difference.”
The governor went on to say that Hillary makes Rocky Balboa “look like a pansy.”
Don’t mess with Hillary!
Also, there’s buzz that John Edwards may side with Hillary. The former North Carolina senator’s wife, Elizabeth Edwards, is his most trusted advisor and she’s Team Hillary. Insiders confirm that she’s been persuading her husband to support the Clinton side.
A John Edwards endorsement would be HUGE for Hil!
If you haven’t done so – register to vote!! It doesn’t matter who you vote for, just do it, bbs!

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Apr 29, 2008 13:30pm PDT

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