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Octo-Mom Comes To Realize What The Rest Of Us Already Knew!

Octo-Mom Comes To Realize What The Rest Of Us Already Knew!

America’s favorite Octopussy, Nadya Suleman has finally admitted that her numerous fertility treatments were “irrational.”
Wait, wait, wait.
Having six embryos implanted was irrational?????
When you already have six other kids running around????
No shit!
“In retrospect, would I have done that again? I don’t know… It wasn’t a realistic thing to do. It was irrational at the time, looking back,” the mother of 14 explained to Dr. Phil in an interview scheduled to air today.
“But then I was really reluctant to state that, because I don’t want people to think, ‘Well, you don’t want the babies, you don’t love them,'” Suleman tried to justify.
You’d rather have people thinking you’re absolutely bat-shit crazy???
Live and let learn!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 11, 2009 11:05am PDT

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