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Olivia Munn & PETA Ask Groupon To Give Animals the 'Deal of the Day' & Halt Circus Partnerships

Olivia Munn is a woman of many talents. TV star, movie star. Basically you name it – she can do it.
So when her and PETA learned that Groupon had partnered up with circuses, like Barnum Brothers, that are known to abuse their elephants – Munn picked up her pen and became an activist for a worthwhile cause.
Here’s what she said:

“I was disappointed to learn from PETA that Groupon is promoting deals with circuses that abuse animals and violate the federal Animal Welfare Act. I was even more disappointed to find out that Groupon was made aware of the egregious crimes of specific circuses yet has chosen to continue promoting them anyway. ├óΓé¼┬ª I hope you can see that whether you’re an animal lover or not, there isn’t a good argument for supporting those who mistreat animals.”

Munn’s got the words BIG TIME.
We love how she’s fighting for a cause she believes in, and we’ll surely support her in any way we can.
The only question remaining is…
…will you?
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 03, 2012 20:01pm PDT

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