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Listen Up, Academy -- Here Are The #OscarsWeNeed, According To Twitter!

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The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences is in hot water again!
No, not for a lack of diversity or overt liberalism, but for the categories being too… um… Oscar-y.
Best Lead Actress? Yawn. Best Editing? Snore. Best Original Screenplay? Who fucking cares!
Those trite, sleep-inducing categories are the real issues the Oscars need to focus on in order to improve this year’s show.
Related: New Study Wants #OscarsSoYoung To Be The Next Cause
And thankfully, Twitter already has some award-worthy suggestions to make the ceremony more agreeable with today’s audience.
After all, most moviegoers can relate to categories like “Best Lady Bros,” “Most Meme-able Motion Picture,” and “Best Misleadingly Awesome Trailer.” (Looking at you, Suicide Squad…)
Hopefully, the Academy seriously takes note — we really don’t want #OscarsSoNotReflectiveOfSocialMediaNeeds to start trending.
See the best suggestions (below)!

What are YOUR suggestions for some #OscarsWeNeed?

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Feb 20, 2017 16:05pm PDT

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