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John McCain

Palin Talks Policy


So guess what?

It’s finally Sexy Sarah‘s first big day on her own!

Like Sadie Sandler a preschooler armed with mother’s sack lunch, Palin ventured to the swing-state of Colorado on her first trip outside of her home state without McCain.

The recently selected vice presidential candidate and current governor, who can boast only limited experience outside of Alaska, was held from view while aides rushed to update her on a variety of issues.

Now remember, if ever you should falter, just remind everyone that you’re a woman!!!!

You’ve got a vadge!

Palin spoke mainly on the issues of energy, government reform, and helping families with special needs, as Palin’s four-month-old son has Down Syndrome, and the crowd cheered when she declared, “too often the government is the problem” rather than the solution. Yeah, like when it restricts stem cell research, which advocates claim could be the key to unlocking treatments and cures to numerous diseases.

Sexy Sarah also claimed that Obama’s proposals to raise income, payroll, investment income, business, and death taxes is “not the way you grow the economy,” but independent groups such as the Tax Policy Center concluded that four out of five American households would actually receive tax breaks. She declared her support for McCain’s “‘above all’ strategy for energy independence.” In other words, drilling Alaska for all its worth.

Palin said McCain liked her idea of placing Washington’s checkbook online, so “everyone can see where their money goes,” just like she did in Alaska.

That├óΓé¼Γäós cute, but honey, it ain’t dark in Washington half the year like it is in Alaska.

[Photo via Getty Images.]

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Sep 15, 2008 18:00pm PDT

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