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Paula Deen DROPPED By Diabetes Company, Target AND Home Depot!!

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It’s never ending!!!!
Like we keep saying, Paula Deen hasn’t been extremely trustworthy for quite some time now. All of this latest shizz is compounded on top of the major thing she did to her fans before: kept her diabetes a secret and continued to teach others how to eat in a way that caused it… until she got a lucrative deal to be a spokesperson for a diabetes treatment company, Novo Nordisk.
We’re now getting word that even Norvo Nordisk — who was totally cool with her announcing her diabetes like she did — has dropped her!
They said that they will no longer be working together:

“while she takes time to focus her attention where it is needed.”

Seems like an ultra-PC way of saying they told her to hit the pavement! Ouch!
Still, she has a few irons in the fire still burning away — so we’re wondering at what point she’ll actually learn her lesson!

AND Home Depot has also reportedly ended their endorsement deals with Paula, as well!!!
Dark times, Paula! Own your mistakes, start making strides!!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 27, 2013 11:59am PDT