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Auditor Wants BIG Changes At Penn State!

Pennsylvania’s Auditor General Jack Wagner has called for serious changes at Penn State.
And no, we didn’t just make up the term auditor general.
Wagner has asked PA’s governor, Tom Corbett, and state lawmakers to demand Penn State’s “antiquated” power structure be reorganized.
He said that the power at Penn State was cut-off from outside eyes and in the hands of too few people.
Wagner believes that the conspiracy of silence surrounding the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse case would have been uncovered sooner if the distribution of power was different.
Out of a 124 page report and dozens of major changes recommend, some of the biggest are things like: scale back the “almost unlimited power” of the university’s president, dramatically change the trustee selection process, and welcome open-records requests instead of shunning them.
Hopefully they are able to make some real changes happen at that school so nothing like the Sandusky scandal can ever happen again!
[Image via Centre Daily Times, Nabil K. Mark/AP Images.]

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Nov 14, 2012 20:03pm PDT

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