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Keeping Your Pets' Paws Pretty And Protected!

Dogs walk…and walk…and RUN…and walk…and walk!
So keeping your pet’s paws in tip top shape will help them lead a happy and healthy walking life!
Some ways to protect your pooch’s feet include:

Trimming Fur
Cleaning and Moisturizing
Deep Paw Massage

Asking your groomer or vet about what tools are needed to groom them can go a long way.
Pedicures and trimmings help make sure the nails aren’t too long and fur doesn’t matte. When your dog’s paws are cracked or dry, moisturizing and deep paw massage can help heal them.
Some other things that can help protect the feet include preventative measures, being gentle during walking, and knowing your terrain.
And obvis, if your pet gets hurt, applying the proper first aid can help with the boo-boos.
Make sure your dog is safe this winter by following these steps!

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Nov 14, 2012 08:01am PDT

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