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Animal Rights

19 PETA Activists Arrested For Protesting SeaWorld Float At Tournament Of Roses Parade!

peta activists arrested for protesting sea world float at tournament of roses parade
Ruh-roh! Sounds like these guys caused a whale of a problem at the annual Tournament of Roses Parade!!
19 PETA portesters started off the new year by adding to their police record as they tried to interrupt a float sponsored by Sea World, a company they’ve been very opposed to over the years!
Lieutenant Terysa Rojas of the Pasadena Police Department spoke out about the incident, saying:

“They attempted to stand and stomp in front of the float to delay its progress.”

The theme park has received a TON of criticism since the release of the documentary Blackfish, which reveals the harsh conditions the performing animals are forced to endure.
A total of 19 protesters (including on juvenile) were booked for interfering with special events, and while they didn’t stop the float from making its way through Pasadena, they still achieved EXACTLY what they wanted!
Not only did they get the publicity they were hoping for, but they raised awareness about a VERY important issue!
Ch-ch-check out some of the photos PETA posted to Twitter of the protest (below)!
[Image via Twitter.]

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Jan 02, 2014 18:18pm PDT