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Pippa Middleton’s Royal Gun F*** Up

Pippa and her hat might be heading to jail!
Shiz got real for Pippa Middleton – aka sister to the future Queen of England – on Saturday when a parisien joy-ride unintentionally turned into an (almost) drive by shooting!
The driver of the Audi convertible in which Pippa was riding shotgun (pun INTENDED!), pulled out a semi-automatic handgun and pointed it at nearby photographers…and got his picture snapped doing so!
Apparently, Pippa and co. are smiling in the photo and acting like it’s all one big joke, but a witness to the incident did not take the threat so lightly and filed a formal complaint.
And unlike the US, France has extremely strict gun laws which means even if the gun is fake (which a spokesperson claims it was), Pippa could face up to 2 years in jail!
One French officer said:

“If the evidence points to [Pippa Middleton’s] involvement, she will be prosecuted…Anybody involved in the illegal use of a handgun in public is liable to arrest and interrogation.”

Plus, France just dealt with some high-profile, gun related incidents, so the police are not about to write this off as a simple case of royal rebellion.
Tut tut!!
[Image via Ramey Pix.]

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Apr 16, 2012 13:50pm PDT