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Royals Respond Very Differently To Prince Charles Getting Coronavirus!

royals react prince Charles's coronavirus diagnosis

Fear of the coronavirus is spreading like… well, a fever! 

The royal family is no exception, especially after Prince Charles was diagnosed with the disease this week. Since news broke about the Prince of Wales’ condition, the royal family has been taking SERIOUS precautions to stop the spread. 

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On this side of the pond, Meghan Markle isn’t taking any chances, considering she and husband Prince Harry were with Charles earlier this month. A source told

“Meghan said hearing the news of Prince Charles has put everyone on edge. She said she is worried about her own health and Harry’s health because she doesn’t want to pass anything onto Archie.”

In response, Meg has increased safety measures; according to the source, house staff was already wearing latex gloves. They continued: 

“Any staff member who goes outdoors to run errands has to leave their shoes in a designated area outside, along with coats or jackets. All produce must be washed with soap and water, and absolutely no boxes are to be brought inside the house. Whatever they order is opened outside, wiped down and then brought into the main quarters. Also staff members who have been out and about running errands are to wear face masks at all times.”

Hmm… girl, maybe it’s time to send the staff home and get some social distance! LOLz!

According to the source:

“Meghan said she would rather be overly cautious than not.”


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex haven’t shown any symptoms of the disease, so this source says the parents will forgo testing. For now, they’ll rely on “heavy doses of Vitamin C, along with other supplements that help strengthen the immune system.”

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Apparently Meg laid down the law and told Harry “under no circumstances, is she okay with him traveling anywhere right now.” Inneresting considering we’re also hearing they JUST secretly moved to Los Angeles, a city on total lockdown due to the virus!

Still, the royal couple want to channel their coronavirus anxiety into something positive. The source explained:

“Meghan said Harry’s been in touch with his dad… Of course, he’s frustrated. She said they both are frustrated because they are doers and want to do so much more to help.”

Meanwhile, Prince Albert of Monaco addressed rumors that he caused Charles’ coronavirus (or vice versa) after the pair attended the same event. Speaking to RTL Radio, the monarch said: 

“I was at a roundtable for his foundation, but we never shook hands. I was at the other end of the table, way far away… We nodded hello to one another, so I don’t think I can really be accused of contaminating him.”

Albert, who was the first head of state in the world to announce a coronavirus diagnosis, claimed the British prince “had a number of other opportunities to catch it.” He said: 

“There were a lot of other people around at the congress center and I know he continued his schedule afterwards for a number of days.”

Sadly he is not wrong.

And what of the future King of England himself? Well, reports say he’s in good spirits — the initial report on Wednesday even said he’s still working from home. On Thursday, the official Clarence House Instagram shared a message thanking the 71-year-old’s well wishers. The post said:

“Thank you for all your ‘Get Well Soon’ messages for His Royal Highness. He is enormously touched by your kind words.”

A source told E! News the Royal Family has checked in with the Prince via phone, but the monarch is keeping things “very much ‘business as usual.'” Said the source: 

“Prince Charles does not want undue fuss made, as obviously many thousands of people are suffering from the virus, some much more severely than him.”

Good for you, Charles! And this is a good lesson for everyone… If even a future king can contract COVID-19, any of us can!

[Image via WENN/Avalon & Graham Finney]

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Mar 27, 2020 09:00am PDT