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American Idol

Quote Of The Day


“There has to come a point when I will step down from being on camera and remain behind the scenes because you can’t keep doing this for ever. I have three more seasons under contract with American Idol and that will be it. And it will probably come at the same time in the UK. I am contracted for another two or three seasons in Britain and I think by that point the public will be sick to death of me anyway and it will be time to go. Three years and that’s it – I will do what I’ve always done. I run a record label, I run a TV company, we’re making movies now – I love that part of my life. I probably get more satisfaction from making a show than being on a show. I’ve been lucky, but I also know when not to outstay my welcome.”

Simon Cowell told reporters this week, as a new season of X Factor is set to begin

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Aug 17, 2007 10:21am PDT