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The Panda Cow!

Panda cow born in Colorado

Now that’s the coolest freak of nature we’ve ever seen!

A rare miniature cow that has a striking resemblence to a panda bear was born Friday morning on a farm in northern Colorado.

The “panda cow” is thought to be one of only about 24 in the world and might sell for $30,000!

The male calf, born on a hobby farm where miniature cattle are raised, was named Ben.

Ben’s panda-like appearance, complete with black ovals around his eye and a white stripe around his midsection, is a result of genetic manipulation.

Ben and his fellow mini-cattle are bred solely as pets, so if anybody has a spare 30 grand laying around they could be the proud owner of this genetic rarity!

[Image via AP Images.]

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Jan 03, 2011 14:00pm PDT

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