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Rihanna Soldiers On!


Despite recently injuring her foot, Rihanna knows that the show must go on!

It would have been easy for the Umbrella singer to use her crutches as a crutch and cancel a recent appearance, but NO. There she was Friday night at a radio concert, putting on a great show. She’s a trooper and it’s no surprise she’s having the most incredibly successful summer of her life. reader Colleen was lucky enough to be at the gig, and this is what she has to report back to us:


I just got home from attending a KISS FM sponsored concert in Dallas. Rhianna was scheduled to perform, but after reading your news about her recent injury I was worried that she would back out and cancel. However, she did just the opposite. Rhianna ended up making her entrance on crutches, and did the entire set from a chair set up in the middle of the stage. For her last song “Umbrella”, she put on her boot so that she was able to stand. Rhianna was such a trooper about the entire thing, not to mention she looked great and sounded excellent. The crowd was really supportive and cheered during her slower-than-usual entrance and exit from the stage. Just goes to show that some people wont let a minor setback get in the way of their show and/or fans. Just thought you might like to know!”

You go RiRi!

[Image via Mavrix Online.]

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Aug 04, 2007 02:41am PDT

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