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Ryan Reynolds Offers 'Backstage Passes To My Asshole' In Crazy NSFW Deadpool Infomercial!

Ryan Reynolds Offers 'Backstage Passes To My Asshole' In Crazy NSFW Deadpool Infomercial!

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Ryan Reynolds‘ 12 Days Of Deadpool campaign may have culminated in his most Red Band trailer yet premiering on Christmas day, but he isn’t slowing down!
The hunky actor has embraced the character so much, he’s doing press in character — without ever taking off the mask!
This time, it’s an informercial for the all-Deadpool issue of Empire magazine, which apparently includes “wolf semen”, Kevin Sorbo, and sex secrets of news anchors.
See the NSFW infomercial for what’s sure to be an equally naughty mag (below)!

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Dec 28, 2015 14:49pm PDT