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Chelsea Handler

Sandra Bullock Gets Her Tittays Out To Scold Chelsea Handler! Watch It HERE!

We think everyone can agree that nobody’s ever seen her quite like THIS before!
While Jennifer Aniston getting misty-eyed over her love for fiance Justin Theroux was certainly a HIGHlight of the season opener of Chelsea Lately last night, it should also be noted that the episode began with a much less sentimental – and a whole lot MORE NAKED – sketch featuring none other than Sandra Bullock!
And when we say NAKED, we mean full blown pixelated tittays GALORE!
Ch-ch-check out the Academy Award winning actress scolding the equally nude talk-show host for her boozing, sleeping with guests, peeing in the showers, and her “tiny little lady bits” (above)!
Talk about uncomfortable!
But also AH-MAZING! And HIGHlarious!
The Big O might not know who you are, gurl, but on behalf of all gay and questioning men out there, you are exactly the kind of “respectable talk show host” that we ADORE!
Now please, go back to Chewey scrubbing you down in peace!

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Oct 16, 2012 11:40am PDT