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Canadian Family Finds Over 100 Snakes Hiding In Their House! Call A Herpetologist AND An Exorcist!

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OK, we don’t mean to be scream queens this close to Halloween, but WTF is going on with the animal kingdom lately??
First we get a house infested with 6,000 spiders! Now we’ve got over a hundred snakes??
[ Photos: Man Finds A Venomous Snake Slithering Out Of The Toilet! ]
A family in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada called in a wildlife rescue group after finding a few garter snakes in their basement.
Well, when the group arrived, they counted more than “a few.”
So far, they’ve collected at least 102 snakes that crawled inside the house to escape the cold weather — and they’re still finding them!
And they didn’t stay content with the basement for long either! Soon they found snakes in the bedroom, the kitchen, and more!
Salthaven West Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Centre director Megan Lawrence said:

“They were starting to end up everywhere in the house but in the basement. For the most part they were in tight spaces. Cracks in the floors, cracks in the walls, between boxes, underneath things ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ anywhere they could get into basically.”

Ick. Ick. Ick ick ick ick!
[ Related: Jaden And Willow Smith Sleep With Snakes! Uh, What? Jaden Even Calls Them His Girlfriends! ]
Here’s the worst part: they carried out the snakes in FIVE PILLOWCASES! Full! Of snakes! Think about that the next time you want to nap!
The largest snake was about three feet long, so they weren’t exceptionally big hissers. But that just means they could be hiding ANYWHERE!
Um, sweet dreams, everyone!

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Oct 22, 2014 21:33pm PDT

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