Star Jones is finally opening up about the gastric bypass operation she had that helped her lose half her body weight.
Oh yeah, she also has a new TV show to promote. Coincidence!
“Everything about me was already so public (mostly my own doing ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ talk about dumb!), so of course everyone wanted to know what I had done,” she writes in a self-penned piece in the August issue of Glamour magazine. “I was also terrified someone would have a tragic result after emulating me without making an informed decision with her doctor. But the complete truth is, I was scared of what people might think of me. I was afraid to be vulnerable, and ashamed at not being able to get myself under control without this procedure.”
Star admits that she took her food addiction to an unhealthy extreme.
Her out-of-control behavior began around her 40th birthday in March 2002, she said. Feeling lonely, she self-medicated with food and gained 75 lbs. over the course of 17 months.
“I used to look in the mirror and take pride in my figure, but that was when I was legitimately a full-figured woman,” she says. “I’d gradually gone from full-figured to morbidly obese.”
With the encouragement of her then-new-husband Big Gay Al, Star had the gastric bypass in August of 2003.
Star has now come to the realization that she “couldn’t control what others thought” about her or her fagulous husband.
P.S. NO ONE believed you lost all that weight through pilates, honey. No one!
[Image via Mavrix Online.]
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