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Taylor Swift Is Done 'Stressing Out' About Her Body Ahead Of Turning 30: 'There Are Certain Parts Of My Brain That I Don't Visit'

taylor swift people of the year

Taylor Swift is shaking off negativity ahead of her upcoming 30th birthday.

The songstress, who enters a new decade of life on December 13, is being honored by People as one of four “People Of The Year” for 2019 along with Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, and Michelle Obama.

Related: Scooter Braun Doubles Down On Taylor Swift Response, Calls Out Violence

Ch-ch-check out her cover shot (below):

Openly discussing her body image, Swift shared with the publication:

“There are certain parts of my brain that I don’t visit as often, like stressing out about my body, stressing out about being on trend, stressing out about people thinking I’m cool, stressing out about people thinking really anything about me. You have to toss out things that don’t serve you. That’s what I think we all try to do when we’re getting older, and you just hope that you’re getting wiser too!”

Overall, the 10-time Grammy winner is “really happy” right now. She explained:

“I’ve been told by a lot of people [your 30s] are really fun, and I’m having a really good time approaching them.”

Of course, just because Tay tries not to overthink her image, she also spoke about how she handles getting stressed about her bod:

“I really love that there are advocates out there in the world being very vocal about the fact that aging is not a slow march to irrelevancy, death and decay. Whenever I feel stress-y about things, I’ll just read some of Jameela Jamil’s quotes about body image and health and normal body weight.”

Specifically discussing Jamil, the Lover artist explained:

“She talks about how we should just be not so much body-positive, but body-neutral. We shouldn’t be thinking about them as much as we do, and I really like that. People like that who make solid points like that make me feel more chill about life.”

Aside from her trek to body neutrality, the Cats star has also been on quite the romantic journey since entering the public eye. But luckily, she’s been able to learn a lot from her experiences, and hopes fans have as well:

“So much was made of my personal life at such a young age, I started to feel like anything that I did that wasn’t successful, like a breakup or anything that people were making such a big deal of, [would leave] such a huge mark on me that would last forever.”

Without specifically addressing her ongoing drama with Scooter Braun and Scott Borchetta, the songstress even discussed how she’s evolved into being a woman who can stand up for herself in any social situation:

“The more women are able to voice their discomfort in social situations, the more it becomes the social norm that people who ask the questions at parties like ‘When are you going to start a family?’ to someone as soon as they turn 25 are a little bit rude. It’s gonna take a bit for people to catch up with that, and I understand that, but it’s good that we’re allowed to say, ‘Hey, just so you know, we’re more than incubators. You don’t have to ask that of someone just because they’re in their mid-20s and they’re a female.'”

Mic drop!!

What’s your favorite bit of wisdom Taylor spilled? Sound OFF (below) in the comments with your pick!!

[Image via Brian To/WENN.]

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Dec 05, 2019 10:02am PDT