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Farrah Abraham

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham Still Drinking And Doing Drugs??

Farrah Abraham
Has Farrah Abraham fallen off the wagon?
The Teen Mom told candidly of her past struggles with alcohol and marijuana in her memoir, and how it only deepened her depression.
But Farrah’s drug problems might not all be behind her.
According to a close friend, Farrah is openly drinking again. The source says:

“She got very drunk. She was grabbing on guys and girls, and even hit one guy that didn’t want to dance with her… She got really sloppy and was throwing her drinks around and yelling.”

It’s OK for most people to have a drink now and then, but recovering addicts need to be especially careful with any usage. So what other substances is Farrah abusing? The source says:

“Farrah said she does Adderall before every event that she attends… she talked about how she does Xanax and Adderall to stay up and energized.”

We want to be fair to Farrah, who has had her share of misfortune, but come on, gurl!
Like it or not, you are a grownup with grownup responsibilities, the biggest of which is named Sophia. Even if it feels like it’s working now, you know that drugs are just a temporary fix.
We hope this isn’t true, but if it is, you have got to get some help! You’re not a little girl anymore- your daughter is.
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[Image via Twitter.]

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Aug 06, 2012 10:30am PDT