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'Teen Mom OG' Stars Tyler Baltierra & Catelynn Lowell Defend Being Late To Reunion With Daughter They Gave Up For Adoption!

Tyler Baltierra Catelynn Lowell Teen Mom OG Late

You do NOT want to mess with the Teen Mom OG audience on social media.

Feeling the wrath this time around are Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell, currently taking heat over being “a half hour late” to a reunion with their eldest daughter Carly.

The special visit to the zoo, shown on the MTV hit’s season finale Monday night, was set up by the couple’s adoption counselor; however, they apparently didn’t get it together on time — and the couple’s tardiness left viewers VERY unimpressed!

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The social media chatter took such a turn on Monday night, and into Tuesday morning, that Tyler and Catelynn both chose to speak out about the incident — and clarify what fans saw on the hit reality TV show.

At first, the reality TV star, and CEO of Tierra Reign, tried to get in front of it with a preemptive tweet sent during the show’s season finale on Monday night (below):

…And yet, the anger on social channels never quite seemed to subside. Fast forward a while — well into Tuesday — and fans were still going.

When one viewer surmised the pair had been “two hours” late to the reunion with their first daughter (who, of course, they long ago gave up for adoption), Tyler attempted to quickly rectify the situation by offering the reasoning behind their delay (below):

OK then! But he wasn’t the only one dealing with the drama all day; Catelynn addressed the issue multiple times on her own Twitter account, as well.

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Noting the pair was late “by like 30-45 mins,” the young mother revealed a bit more about the scrapbook they had apparently been finishing for the girl (below):

Six hours later, though, patience had worn thin and even the typically-calm Catelynn started to bubble over with frustration.

“Get a damn grip people,” she wrote in a follow-up tweet as she once again took to social media to address the never-ending controversy (below):


Now, the fans do have a point here. The reality TV duo’s tardiness was disrespectful to Carly’s adoptive parents, the little girl herself, and the adoption counselor who put it all together. And considering it was such an important (and rare!) event for Tyler and Catelynn, showing up late probably didn’t exactly prove to everybody else that they’re prioritizing this like we know they must be. So, sure, it is a bad look.

But the social media chatter is a bit overboard, too!!! So much hate for showing up late! Not condoning it or anything, but just pointing out — as Catelynn did multiple times — the lifelong memories made here probably outweigh the delay, and the big picture stuff is what really matters! Just sayin’!!!

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Are we crazy for looking at the controversy this way, Perezcious readers?! Have fans blown the setback way out of proportion? Or is it really SUCH a big deal to call ’em out all day long for it???

Share your opinions about everything related to last night’s season finale of Teen Mom OG in the comments (below)!!!

[Image via Instagram]

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Aug 20, 2019 18:12pm PDT