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The Relentless Patriot: A Tribute to Scott LoBaido's Art, Activism, & American Spirit

The relentless patriot movie poster

In the heart of Fort Worth, Texas, at the Tannahill Tavern & Music Hall, a stirring event unfolded. Global Ascension Studios hosted an exclusive screening of their latest documentary, The Relentless Patriot, directed by Christopher Martini and produced by Joshua Macciello. This cinematic masterpiece pays homage to the life and work of Scott LoBaido, a man whose name has become synonymous with both artistry and activism, with Frank Torchia taking on the role of executive producer.

For over thirty years, LoBaido has been a fervent advocate for numerous causes close to his heart. From championing the significance of the American flag to honoring the sacrifices of servicemen and women, his canvas serves as a mirror reflecting the essence of the American spirit. Through his distinct artistic style and unwavering commitment, LoBaido has carved a niche for himself in the realm of art and activism.

The Relentless Patriot delves deep into the journey of LoBaido, portraying the highs, lows, and the myriad challenges he has encountered along the way. Through a captivating blend of stills and video footage, viewers are offered a glimpse into the soul of an artist whose passion knows no bounds. The documentary serves as a rallying cry, urging Americans to stand together in defense of shared values and patriotism.

The premiere of The Relentless Patriot garnered significant attention, drawing a diverse crowd of friends, fans, and supporters. Attendees were not only treated to a cinematic spectacle but also had the opportunity to witness firsthand the impact of LoBaido’s advocacy. Their admiration for his unwavering dedication was palpable, as they expressed their gratitude for his relentless pursuit of justice through art.

The relentless patriot premiere
(c) Global Ascension Studios

Attendees and Scott LoBaido himself shared their reflections on the event. Words of praise flowed freely, echoing the sentiments of a community inspired by LoBaido’s resilience and vision. His message of unity and empowerment resonated deeply, igniting a spark of patriotism in the hearts of all who were present.

Joshua Macciello, President of Global Ascension Studios said:

“As the echoes of our patriotic documentary ‘The Relentless Patriot’ linger in our hearts, we find ourselves deeply moved by the unforgettable moments shared at Tannahill’s Tavern and Music Hall. Amidst the elegance of the evening, passed hors d’oeuvres, and the camaraderie of esteemed filmmakers Chris Martini, Frank Torchia and the relentless patriot himself, Scott Lobaido, one shining moment stood out: the heartfelt rendition of the National Anthem by the venerable 99-year-old vet, Don Graves. His unwavering pride and stirring performance left us all teary-eyed, a poignant reminder of the enduring spirit of patriotism. This event was truly magical.” 

As The Relentless Patriot continues to make its mark on audiences across the nation, one thing remains abundantly clear: Scott LoBaido’s legacy is one of courage, compassion, and unwavering determination. Through his art and activism, he has not only captured the essence of the American spirit but also ignited a flame of hope that burns bright in the hearts of all who dare to dream of a better tomorrow.

[Image via Global Ascension Studios]

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May 03, 2024 09:10am PDT

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