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The Simpsons Get X Rated

The Simpsons Get X Rated

Bart Simpson gets naked in the new Simpson feature film. And not just a little ass crack. Full cock and balls!

Like a scene from an Austin Powers movie, Bart’s bare essentials are cleverly concealed by strategically-placed props until a gap in some hedges reveals his naughty bits, as the Brits say. Simpsons creator Matt Groening spoke to the crowd [at a preview screening] and noted that he expects the brief cartoon nudity and certain digs at politics and religion to raise objections, but pointed out that part of the series’ appeal is its willingness to go out on those limbs and offend the easily offended. He also said the film is a tribute to the disappearing art of hand-drawn animation.

If this were a normal film and a child actor showed his ween, the movie would not get a PG rating.
Is it okay to look at little boy dick just because it’s animated????

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Jul 06, 2007 20:12pm PDT

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