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TikToker Vows To Only Eat McDonald’s For 100 Days To Shed Weight -- And Says It’s ‘Absolutely Working’

TikToker Vows To Only Eat McDonald’s For 100 Days To Shed Weight – And Says It’s ‘Absolutely Working’

It’s called the McDonald’s diet.

We all remember the 2004 Morgan Spurlock-directed documentary, Super Size Me, which followed him consuming only menu items from the fast food chain for an entire month — which, as a surprise to no one, resulted in less than desirable health consequences. However, one TikTok user is now attempting to shed weight by following the same plan, except upping the ante to 100 days — and he claims to know the secret to making it happen!

Kevin Maginnis, known as @bigmaccoaching on TikTok, is sharing his journey to health through pretty much the most unconventional way we could imagine. The 56-year-old began his quest through the Golden Arches in late February, sharing with followers at the time:

“I woke up this morning, and I weighed in at 238 Lbs. It’s February 21, 2023, and I decided that that is absolutely unacceptable — so I drove down to McDonald’s, because if you’re going to start getting into better physical shape, McDonald’s is the place you go.”

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He continued:

“I know some of you are thinking that might be crazy, but I’m going to eat nothing but McDonald’s for the next 100 days.”

However, there’s a catch, which he claims is the key to ensuring his weight loss:

“Instead of eating everything they give me, I’m going to go ahead and cut the meals in half, just to kind of prove to myself and maybe some of the other people watching that it’s not as much what you’re eating, it’s the quantity that we’re eating that really jacks us up. So, I’ll order the meals, I’ll eat half of what they give me, I’ll opt for a bottle of water instead of the soda, and we’ll keep track of it.”


Challenge: Eating mcdonalds every meal for the next 100 days to lose weight! #mcdonalds #mcdonaldschallenge #weightloss #bigmaccoaching #transformativecoaching #nashvilleweightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #100daychallenge

♬ Inspiring Emotional Piano – Metrow Ar

He’s got our interest! And don’t worry, he’s not wasting any food, as he told concerned fans that he saves the uneaten half to eat during his next meal.

Thursday marked the Nashville native’s 10th day of his unconventional diet, and to celebrate, he appeared on Today, to share with Carson Daly and Sheinelle Jones an update on his self-proclaimed journey “from French fries to fit guy.” Right off the bat, he confirmed that it’s “absolutely working,” explaining his rules:

“Three meals a day, cut each meal in half, and don’t eat anything until you’re hungry again.”

He then revealed:

“This morning, I was twelve and a half pounds down — start of day 10.”


Nothing but McDonalds for 100 days, 3 meals a day, cut in 1/2! #portioncontrol #Mcdonalds #mcdonaldschallenge #100daychallenge #100dayweightloss #bigmaccoaching #transformativecoaching #nashvilleweightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightloss #mcdonaldsweightloss #unsupersizeme #supersizeme #halfsizeme 1/2sizeme

♬ Lose to Love – Madison Watkins

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The social media star then shared that he has indeed consulted with health care professionals, noting:

“I’ve had cardiologists that love it, and I have cardiologists that hate it. It’s just like the comments on TikTok.”

The dierter explained that he’s going to have bloodwork done “about two weeks and several times throughout” to make sure he’s maintaining his health, and he believes “we’ll be down 50 pounds by the end, my health will be better, my blood work will be better, and if you don’t believe me, follow along. Let’s find out.” See his full interview (below):

Maginnis also shared that he used to be a wrestler, and boxed while in the Military, and would often have to “make weight,” so in order to do so, he would always “cut calories.” As he puts it:

“Track it, attack it, have a plan, cut it in half, and then, let’s see what the results were.”


Can we go from french fries to fit guy? #Mcdonalds #mcdonaldschallenge #100daychallenge #100dayweightloss #bigmaccoaching #transformativecoaching #nashvilleweightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightloss #mcdonaldsweightloss #unsupersizeme #supersizeme #halfsizeme

♬ original sound – bigmaccoaching

Do YOU believe in his unique method of losing weight, Perezcious readers? Will you be following along? Let us know ALL your thoughts in the comments down below!

[Images via Kevin Maginnis/TikTok & NBC/YouTube]

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Mar 03, 2023 13:11pm PDT