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Tom Brady Is Leaving The New England Patriots -- And The Internet Is Going Crazy!

Tom Brady is leaving the New England Patriots, and the internet is going crazy!

It’s truly the end of an era!

Tom Brady has spent his entire extremely-public-facing career with the NFL‘s New England Patriots, but after Tuesday, it looks like he’s moving on for good… and the internet seriously can’t handle this devastating news!

Related: Tom Brady Getting Roasted In ‘Mean Tweets’ Is Amazing!

It all started just a couple hours ago, when Brady himself released a statement on Twitter with the title “FOREVER A PATRIOT,” as you can see (below):

In the statement itself, Brady thanks Pats fans, the team’s coaches, and the franchise ownership group, while adding:

“I am grateful for all that you have taught me — I have learned from everyone. You all have allowed me to maximize my potential and that is all a player can ever hope for. Everything we have accomplished brings me great joy and the lessons I have learned will carry on with me forever. I couldn’t be the man I am today without the relationships you have allowed me to build with you. I have benefitted from all you have given me. I cherished every opportunity I had to be a part of our team, and I love you all for that. Our team has always set a great standard in pro sports, and I know it will continue to do just that.”

Awww! Super mushy!

From there, Brady dropped the hammer, informing the world of his intention to apparently play somewhere else next season:

“Although my football journey will take place elsewhere, I appreciate everything we have achieved and I am grateful for our incredible TEAM accomplishments. I have been privileged to have had the opportunity to know each and every one of you, and to have the memories we’ve created together.”

Very classy, Tom! Only one problem here… THE NEWS IS MAKING EVERYONE GO CRAZY!!! One stunned fan, who referenced the long-term shutdown of both the NBA and MLB, reacted:

“Wow. The strangest week in sports history gets stranger.”

Another added in the replies

“Literally about to cry at work. I’m heartbroken.”

A third noted how “this is the worst quarantine news ever” (possibly true), while one follower referenced Brady’s last bait-and-switch message (that turned out to be an ad for Hulu) in a hilarious way:

“Tom I swear if this is just another Hulu ad…”

Ha!!! Very clever!

Related: Tom Under Fire Over His Controversial Cliff Dive Video…

Of course, not everybody in the quarterback’s mentions was so negative about the whole thing. This Pittsburgh Steelers fan (below) is clearly pretty excited to no longer have to worry about Brady’s Patriots every year in the playoffs:


Yet another HIGHlarious reaction video showed what the division rival Buffalo Bills must be feeling like right now, too:


Chairman and CEO Robert Kraft and Head Coach Bill Belichick both shared statements on the surprising news as shared to the Patriots’ Twitter account:

Seriously, though, y’all, what do you make of Brady’s departure from New England? And during such a news-heavy week anyways… maybe the world really is coming to an end!

What do y’all think of this craziness??? Sound OFF (below)!

[Image via WENN/Instar]

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Mar 17, 2020 08:47am PDT