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Trainer ATTACKED By Tiger As Zoo Vistors Watch!

A tiger trainer at the Australia Zoo had to be flown to the hospital after an awful attack!
David Styles, 30, suffered two puncture wounds to his neck when a tiger attacked him in front of about 50 zoo visitors!
A witness to the awful attack said:

“It was horrifying. They fell in the water and the tiger was trying to hold him under. The other trainers, maybe four of them, tried to fight the tiger off. One of them was hitting it with a stick. It was an accident. It was not an act of aggression. It was part of a routine and just an unfortunate mistake.”

That’s terrible! No one knows what caused the attack but it’s thought to be the worst in the zoo’s history!!
Check out a video to see the moment the tiger attacks the trainer AFTER THE JUMP!!

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Nov 27, 2013 13:03pm PDT

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