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This Pedophile Pled Guilty To Sexual Assault Of A Child -- But They're Letting Him Go On Vacation FIRST!

This Wealthy Pedophile Pled Guilty To Assault & More -- But They're Letting Him Go On Vacation FIRST!

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

A man who just pleaded guilty to sexual assault of a child is now allowed to go on vacation. WHAT THE ACTUAL EFF?!

This very shocking news comes from across the pond where Matthew Thompson pleaded guilty to 10 offenses, including assault of a child by penetration, sexual assault of a child, sexual activity with a child, and taking indecent photos of a child. According to the BBC, the 48-year-old appeared at the Bradford Crown Court in Bradford, England on Wednesday to admit his guilt.

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The 10-minute hearing not only saw the pedophile own up to his disturbing offenses, but it also included a very unusual plea. With the help of his lawyer, Gillian Batts, Thompson requested permission to leave the country just a few weeks ahead of his sentencing to attend a pre-planned and presumably already-paid-for vacation to Greece! And the judge said yes!!! Literally, how did someone allow this? It sounds crazy!

After submitting his guilty plea, Thompson’s legal representation said he wished to go on a week-long vacation to the Greek Islands. He was scheduled to fly out to ​​Kos on Thursday — and he’s in luck since he won’t have to change his plans. Seeing as Thompson was already out on bail after he was arrested for the alleged sexual assault, Judge Jonathan Gibson said he wouldn’t revoke the bail and agreed to let him travel. Wow. WTF.

Speaking to the sex offender in court, Judge Gibson said, via the BBC:

“You’ve pleaded guilty and you will of course get proper credit for your guilty pleas in due course when you’re sentenced. You’ve been on bail and I’m not going to revoke your bail simply because you have entered honest pleas.”

OK, this guy has to be rich, right? Who else gets away with this kind of nonsense?!

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Thompson is expected to return to the country on October 27 — and as an insurance plan, the judge ordered him to check in with Barnsley, England authorities by no later than 2 p.m. the day after he arrives home. Additionally, he will have to sign up as a sex offender with the police before going on vacation.

Sorry, but… How does that make any sense? “Sure you can leave the country but make sure you’re back in time for prison”?!? Whoever heard of such a thing? All this leniency for a child rapist?!

Thompson’s sentencing is scheduled for November 18, so this could be his last romp around the world for quite some time. If he comes back. But hey, he pinky swore, right? So no worries there?

Let’s hope the guy returns to the UK, otherwise this judge is going to look even more foolish than he does already! Can you believe this guy was allowed to go on vacay?! SOUND OFF (below)!

[Image via One Media/Netflix/YouTube]

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Oct 19, 2022 16:43pm PDT