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Wheel of Fortune Contestant Defies All Odds To Win $1,000,000!! See The AH-Mazing Video HERE!

H _ L Y    S H _ T B _ L L Z!
We can’t believe that just happened!!!
Autumn Erhard, a.k.a. our new personal hero, blew our minds on a recent episode of Wheel of Fortune!!!
After smacking down her opponents, the game show Gods offered her the infinitesimally small chance to win $1,000,000!!
It took an incredibly lucky spin to stay in the hunt, but then The Fates handed her a seemingly impossible puzzle!
Ch-ch-check out the unbelievably tense clip (above) to see what happened next!
Pat Sajak was so nervous he messed up his perfectly-coiffed hair!!
We aren’t sure how she bailed herself out of that hole, homegirl’s mind must be sharper than a Dolce & Gabbana model in a tailored suit!!
Congratz on your improbable victory, Autumn!
Don’t feel obliged to buy the host anything with your cool mil in prize money — his letters obviously didn’t do you any favors!!!

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Jun 03, 2013 20:22pm PDT

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