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Yeas & Nays Reporter Starts Shiz With Sean Penn!

Yeah, he can be a lot of crazy, but this bitch is OUT OF LINE!

Sean Penn, who has gotten a lot of press for announcing he hopes those who criticize his humanitarian work in Haiti “die screaming of rectal cancer,” was being interviewed by the press at a Haiti benefit gala hosted by the Washington Hebrew Congregation when Yeas & Nays reporter Tara Palmeri thought it would be appropriate to ask the actor, “How have you seen your critics change since you mentioned that they should die of rectal cancer?”

What a clASS act!!

Yeah, he made a dick comment, but that is NOT the venue to spew that garbage question at him!!

You can watch the above clip to see how Penn responds.

Girlfriend then got OWNED by publicity coordiner C.J. Jordan, who removed her from the event and told her that if she wanted to keep her job, she would have to write a letter of apology to the Haitian ambassador!!


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Mar 12, 2010 16:15pm PDT

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