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Zachary Quinto Goes Full Hipster!!

zachary quinto snap magazine hipstamatic hipster iphone app photo shoot theater acting balance
Well — we guess we meant that Zachary Quinto has gone full “hispta” instead of “hipster.” That’s because the whole photoshoot that went along with this Q&A for Snap Magazine‘s latest issue was done with the iPhone Hipstamatic app!
Hey, shoot Zachary with whatever camera you want, we know it’s going to end up sizzling!
In the article, we were especially excited to hear his candid answers to some of our own burning questions, like how he balances his career. Here’s what he said:

“Making time for everything that I want to do can be tricky. But I have been very specific and articulate about my intention to do so, and I am surrounded by people who support that intention in all the necessary ways. I am so grateful for my business partners and advisors to help keep me moving forward with professional purpose and momentum. It frees me up to do the real work as I see it. The things on which I am meant to focus.”

Like playing serial killers! Ha!
We kid, we kid. We know that deep down his love for acting is much more important than, say, playing Sylar — he has a real love for the theater (and has been on a stage since he was 10). He’s even currently playing Tom in The Glass Menagerie, which is showing right now in Cambridge, Mass!!
So fab!
And Zachary, these pics are beautiful (below), app or not!!
[Image via Snap Magazine.]

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Feb 19, 2013 16:10pm PDT